Saturday, December 15, 2007

When it is not black or white it is grey. But is there really a grey area?

I am perpetually amazed by this opinion maker's penchant to be more popish than the pope. My presumption is that he is losing his grip on the ratings game because he pretends to be the only person on earth who is right and the others are all wrong. In other words his listeners have started to turn their backs on him since he only looks at life either as black or white. No grey area.

One night, I had coffee with two close media buddies in Davao. Our conversation drifted towards the question whether there is such a thing as "grey area". When asked, I answered in the affirmative with the thought that only people like the broadcaster I earlier described do not believe on the existence of a grey area.

Yet, it struck me when one of the two respected Davao journalists pointed out that "there is only right and wrong, nothing in grey area". My writer friend stressed that "if it is not right then it is wrong".

After that coffee talk, I started to scan the web for more insights on the meaning of "grey area". I stumbled upon the word "moral relativism". In sum in means morality is relative to the cultural, social, personal or historical background of the person.

As a Catholic I acknowledged the existence of a Divine Being. I believe God is "the way, the truth and the life. He who believes in Him shall never die". So, in the back of my mind, I know there is only one truth and that is God. But, as a public relations practitioner I am subjected to many truths (Is there really many truths?) This has led me to become a little relative about what is the truth. (I am not trying to point out here that I peddle lies as truth that is why I have become less judgmental about the truth.)

As a communicator I always try to be more understanding to both sides. In my struggle to please others I fool myself into believing that there is indeed a "grey area" when there is none.

The plain truth is that there is only right and wrong. When you are wrong you are not right and when you are right you are not wrong. Nothing in between. Just like there is only an absolute God. One true God.

My only reason that I would like to believe that there is a “grey area” is that I don’t want to be judgmental. I would rather that man be allowed to use his free will whether he is right or wrong.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Trillanes failed "power grab", Makati standoff now lost in translation

The overriding message of the Makati standoff led by Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV and Brig Gen. Danilo Lim was CHANGE.

There is moral bankruptcy in each and every social stratum. Corruption is in epidemic proportion in our country.

It is time to call for an honest to goodness moral revolution. It must start from each and every one of us, Filipinos. This moral revolution is not just for politicians, businessmen, church leaders but also for those in the middle class and the downtrodden.

The Philippines is in dire need of CHANGE. There is a "social volcano" waiting to erupt. If nothing is done about it, chaos will ensue. A civil war might not be farfetched.

Unfortunately, Trillanes, Lim and their cohorts the Magdalo group, former Vice President Teofisto Guingona, Bishop Julio Labayen, Fr. Robert Reyes and former University of the Philippines president Francisco Nemenzo Jr. garbled the message of CHANGE when they holed up at the Manila Peninsula to demand the resignation of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

When the police rammed the entrance of the plush hotel with an armored personnel carrier and hauled journalist covering the failed "rebellion", the media too lost its focus. Instead of homing in on the message of CHANGE, opinion writers and commentators are now talking about how their colleagues were manhandled by government forces out to restore law and order.

The message of CHANGE was lost in translation. We all failed to clearly process the situation because self interest came into play. The supporters of President Arroyo came up with there own message. The opposition also had their own message. The media too talked about their own predicament.

The crux of the matter here is that there is an unseen but clearly felt social unrest. This is because of the fact that our country is hounded by massive corruption and moral bankruptcy.

While we all whine over a decadent society, the businessmen who are experiencing economic stability, the middle class who are able to make both ends meet, the politicians who are recipients of "grease money" all refuse to rock the boat.

We should all focus on CHANGE. It must start from within.